Press Conference Presenting #ThinkB4UThug Campaign supported by City of Dallas Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Erik Wilson

April 20th Press Conference at Dallas City Hall Flag Room

Dallas community leaders and local activist will host #ThinkB4UThug Press conference in the Dallas City Hall Flag Room (1500 Marilla St. 6th Floor, Dallas, Texas 75215), April 20th, 2016 at 12:30 p.m. 

Who: Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Erik Wilson,  #ThinkB4UThug Campaign Founder Mr. Terrance Watkins, supported by City of Dallas Police Chief David Brown, Pastor Omar Jahwar (Kingdom War Church), Mr. Pookie (Dallas Rapper), Keio Gamble, Fred Jones (Jones 2000). 

Who: The Press Conference will present the initiaive to the City of Dallas and media.

When: April 20th, 2016 12:30 p.m.

Where: Dallas City Hall 1500 Marilla St. Dallas, Texas 75201

Why: The #ThinkB4UThug campaign is a citywide initiative created by North Dallas Community Leader Mr. Terrance Watkins and supported by area community representatives from South Dallas, Joppa, Highland Hills, Oak Cliff, Hutchins, and North Dallas . "I am seeing the crime rise and kilings happening in Dallas and I want the kids to think of the consequences of their actions, their familes are suffering because of their mistakes. I wanted to create a hashtag to start a viral movement that would spark change in the community,"said Terrance Watkins. 


  • Identify programs for at risk youth
  • Provide jobs and training - industry trades 
  • Reduce crime rate
  • Increase educational options - GED

Target: Ages 12 - 21 years old

About Achieve PR

Achieve PR (1998) is a Dallas, TX. based public relations firm that specializes in media relations, corporate communications, search engine optimization, community engagement, public affairs, social/digital media management and special events. Achieve PR’s areas of specialty are crisis management, image creation and, management of publicity events. All of these activities ensure the proper execution of sensitive public / media relations concerns by companies who are not typically seen as mass media friendly.


1402 Corinth St. Ste 147 Dallas, Texas 75215
